It is indispensable to utilize external expertise in developing strategies for M&As, corporate restructuring and financial management. TIC has many professionals who have worked in this area in leading organizations who are able to assist clients in various aspects that require local expertise. By analyzing financial condition of clients, TIC will assist clients in negotiation with financial institutions and develop a custom-made solution to all the cases.
TIC's financial and corporate recovery advisory service
M&A related
- Industry research at M&A transactions
- Corporate valuation and due diligence
- Detailed due diligence from a local
regulatory perspective
Corporate recovery related
- Advisory to obligors from a financial
perspective - Assisting clients in dealing with financial
institutions - Restructuring of finance function
- Valuation
- Regulatory advisory
- Compliance Advisory
- Internal audit support and advisory
- Enterprise risk management advisory
- Fraud prevention and investigation support
- Information management advisory
- Internal controls advisory
- Financial and corporate recovery advisory
- In-house seminars and management training
- Research
Nishi-Shimbashi 2-Chome Mori Bldg. 4F
2-22-1, Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan
Tel. 03-5776-5090
Fax. 03-5776-5099